Worku, Asrat (PhD)Amare, Yohannes2018-06-212023-11-112018-06-212023-11-112003-07 slope stability concepts and the parameters and major considerations associated with slope stability problems are discussed. General features and theories of some of the available methods of analysis such as limit equilibrium methods, limit analysis methods, finite element method, etc. are reviewed. Special emphasis is made to the limit equilibrium slope stability analysis techniques based on the method of slices. The underlying principles, common features and assumptions employed by these methods are elaborated. The various commonly used methods of slope stability analysis based on the limit equilibrium principles are then thoroughly assessed, compared and contrasted. These common limit equilibrium based methods of analysis, including Bishop’s simplified method, Janbu’s simplified method, Bishop’s rigorous method, Spencer’s/Morgenstern and Price’s method, Janbu’s rigorous method, are formulated in a unified manner. A computer program is then written for these selected methods, using the Visual Basic language, on the basis of this unified formulation. The computer program has the capacity of analyzing slopes with general-shaped slip surfaces and general loading conditions. It is also capable of incorporating earthquake loading based on the pseudo-static analysis. Finally, example problems are solved to illustrate the computer program developed and to reflect on the discussions and conclusions in the literature review section. The results obtained for the example problems, using the computer program developed and the different methods of analyses are in close agreement with those obtained by the author’s of the original methods. Key Words: slope stability analysis; limit equilibrium; method of slices; factor of safetyenslope stability analysis; limit equilibrium; method of slices; factor of safetyA Comparative Study and Computer Coding of Limit Equilibrium-Based Slope Stability Analysis Techniques