Gensler, Orin (Prof.)Kiros, Tsehaye2021-03-292023-11-082021-03-292023-11-082009-10 thesis deals with the comparison of the Wajerat Tigrigna dialect vs . the standard Tigrigna dialect which is used in mass media , as a medium of instruction in schools, etc. It contains five chapters. The first ch apter is the introduction; chapter two is a review of the lite ra ture; chapter three is part one of the data a nalysis; ch apter four is part two of the data analysis; and the last chapter is a conclusion and recommendation. The study provides phonologica l, grammatical and other comparisons. It a lso discusses whether and in what ways Wajerat Tigrigna is nearer to Ge'ez than the Tigrigna dia lect that currently serve.; as standcudenWajerat Tigrigna vsStandard TigrignaA Comparison of Wajerat Tigrigna vs. Standard TigrignaThesis