Tsehaye, Ambaye (PhD)Bedanie, Mellese2021-10-222023-11-052021-10-222023-11-051992-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/28277The purpose of this study is to find out the causes for students' deficiency in English with particular reference to g~ades 9-12 English curriculum and its implementation in schools at capitals of Ethiopian administrative regions. To thi s effect}data on Grades 9-12 English curriculum objectives and content have been secured ~,i th the hel p o f curricular document analyses and unstructured interviews made wi th members of the English Panel in the Institute for Curriculum Development and Research(ICDRJ . On the other hand, info~mation on the curriculum implementation is obtained through questionnaire and interviews conducted to grades 9-12 English teachers; class observations; instructional media chec~~-lists; assessment of course and weekly lesson plans, examination and test papers in 10 senior secondary schools which have been selected with the help o~ quota sampling techn ique. The results o~ data analyses, interpretations and discussions indicate that one of the causes for students' defi ciency in English is the design and implementation of the curriculum, which in accordance to the findings of this paper, focus on: Ambiguity and insufficiency of the curriculum objecti ves ; absence of communicative language; high dosage of grammatical descriptions; irrelevance of reading passages J vocabulary items and e >! erci ses as cur-ricul urn contents and their unsystematic selection and gradation; shortage and or absence of appropriate instructional facilities, plans, methods, techniques and evaluation strategies for implementing it. In synthesis , t hese findings reveal the pitfalls in grades 9-12 English curriculum and it s implementation which caused students' deficiency in English; and hoped to serve policy m a~~ers , the ICDR and teachers as frame of references to change the curricul um and improve its instruction.enEducationAn Evaluation of Grades 9 -12 English Curriculum and Its Implementation In Schools At Capitals of Ethiopian Adm!Nistrative Regions As Causes For Students' Deficiency in EnglishThesis