Markos, Solomon (PhD)Wondwossen, Belachew2018-10-182023-11-042018-10-182023-11-042017-06-03 purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of performance management practice on employee performance in Assai public school at Addis Ababa. To achieve the objectives of this study explanatory research design was used. The study used census survey, data was collected through questionnaire from a population of 86 employees and 80 questionnaires were returned. The data collected from the questionnaire were analyzed using statistical tools such as mean, standard deviation, correlation, and multiple regression analysis. The results of this study indicated that, performance management practice dimensions such as (knowledge of performance management, involvement of employees in performance planning, performance assessment, recognition and feedback and uses of performance management) have positive and significant relationship with employee’s performance. The finding of the study indicated also that employees were most satisfied with performance assessment and recognition and feedback dimension of performance management practice. On the contrary, employees were less satisfied with knowledge of performance management, involvement of employees in performance planning and uses of performance management of performance management practices. The results also indicated that, unlike involvement of employees in performance planning, uses of performance management and knowledge performance management, the two performance management practice dimensions (recognition and feedback and performance assessment have positive and significant effect on employees’ performance. Furthermore, the aforementioned performance management practice significantly contributes 41.9% to employee performance. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher forwards sound recommendations including that conducting knowledge of performance management before implementing performance management in the organization, updating uses of performance management , the involvement of employees in performance planning which have to be done before, during and after employees’ performance being analyzed.en-USPerformance Management PracticeEmployees’ PerformanceEffect of Performance Management Practice on Perceived Employees’ Performance in Assai Public SchoolThesis