Zerai, Abdissa (PhD)Belay, Gelana2021-04-012023-11-082021-04-012023-11-082015-12http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/25885The general objective of thi s study is investigating the characteristics of face book activism of the Oromo. The study investigated how Oromo on line activists practice activism, what ideals often make up the Oromo activists ' facebook agenda, and what challenges Oromo activists ' at home and in the Diaspora are facing in carrying out activism . Manuel castells network society theory and SPIN model of Luther P. Gerlach, have been used to comprehend and analyze th is study. The study has employed both qualitative and quantitative methods at data gathering and analysis levels. Lack of free media brought the belief among the activists that facebook is a gift from God to the Oromo. The Oromo activists often back their idea with images, links and graph ics run activism on politics, culture, identity, art and literature mostly with the objective of calling for some kind of action. The activi sts have managed to succeed a campaign called Boycott Bedele and are running a number of other big movements like 'Say No to the Master Plan ' on facebook right now. Lack of professionalism, problem of consistency, absence of coordination, planning, organization and leadership from the side of the activists, unresponsiveness from the side of the general users and surveillance, detention and intimidation from the government's side have been identified as bottlenecks for the Oromo social media activism.enSocial Media Use of Oromo ActivistsA Study on Social Media Use of Oromo Activists': Face Book in FocusThesis