Fereja, Temesgen (PhD)Tiruneh, Tsegaye2019-01-232023-11-102019-01-232023-11-102009-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/15988The purpose of this study was to assess the relevance, performance and problems of CSTCs in two study area weredas. The study was conducted in Burie and Jabi Tehnan weredas of West Gojjam Administrative Zone of the ANRS. To collect data and information, descriptive survey methods and purposive, opportunity/ available sampling techniques were employed. The methodology involved the use of questionnaires, interviews, observation and review of documents. A total of 56 respondents were involved during collection of data and information. These included 48 trainees, eight staff from regional, zonal and wereda offices of MSEIPO. The data and information so collected were analyzed using percentage and frequency distribution statistical tools. Even though AMSEIPA in general and the selected Woreda WMSEIPO and CSTCs in particular were striving to play significant roles in providing the livelihood skill training, results of the study indicated that the two CSTCs are not performing well. The centers are poorly equipped and are faced with shortage of basic facilities, training manuals, materials, qualified manpower and budget. Currently, they practice weak monitoring and evaluation and the degree of stakeholder's participation was very weak. Because of the combined effects mentioned above, the centers are having inadequate institutional capabilities, and trainings provided in the two centers are of low relevance. Despite the above, the centers have some potential opportunities that could be exploited in the future . The commitment showed by AMSEIPA to make the centers as a business incubation center, the formulation of National Adult Education Strategy, Micro and Small Enterprise strategy, Industry Development Strategy and a Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End Poverty are some of such potential opportunities. Therefore, it is recommended that decision makers, planners, and other authorities at the Woreda and at Regional level should recognize the role of CSTCs and the expansion of MSEs to play its part for the creation of job and employment opportunity as an effective means of eradicating poverty and improving the livelihood of the community at large. Planners and local government officials should give due attention in order to revitalize and rehabilitate the Community Skill Training Centers and allocate sufficient budget and qualified manpower. It is further stressed that, in order to achieve sustainability of the training and its relevance, WMSEIPO should adopt the trainee's selection criteria of AMSEIPA based on skill training needs of their respective localities.enThe Relevance and Performanceof Community Skill Training CentersThe Relevance and Performance of Community Skill Training Centers in West Gojjam Administrative ZoneThesis