Tebeje, . Wegayehu (PhD)Temam, Bedru2018-07-092023-11-102018-07-092023-11-102007-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/7320The purpose of the study was to investigate the student placement service activities for prospective and assigned TVET student in jive selected Addis Ababa Government TVET illstitutions. The major sources of data collection for the study were 232 trainees, 81 teachers and 9 vocational coullselors. Moreover ofjlcials who work in the regional education bureau were the source of data collection. The design of the study was quantitative and the descriptive SUtvq method was used. After the data were collected through instruments responses were categorized and frequencies were tabulated. Tlte results of the study generatly revealed that: (a) there is a critical need for vocational guidance s.ervice hefore placement. (b) The number of school counselors . was very low and the vocational guidallce services were found inadequate. (c) Many trainees had low interest towards TVET programs and their field of study. (d) The major criterion used to determille the /lumber of new trainees is based on the intake capacity of TVET institutions and (e) the availability of resources like raw materials, shops and laboratories were not adequate for the assigned students.enEducationAn Investigation of lacement service activities for prospective and assigned technical and vocational education training (TVET) students In Addis AbabaThesis