Chane, Abraraw (PhD)Abera, Biruk2018-10-152023-11-042018-10-152023-11-042017-06-11 purpose of this research was to investigate, the effect of reward practices on employee motivation in Dashen Bank S.C. The study used both primary and secondary sources of data. A quantitative research approach of data collection was used and 255 questionnaires were distributed out of which 241 of them were returned. Probability sampling (stratified) method was used and employees were selected from each stratum with a random sampling technique. Among the major findings, the overall perception of respondents over current reward practices were not happy, not enough, not competitive and not attractive. on other side the ranking orders as respondents choice of the most motivator factors from the list, payment is the highest influential factor for employee motivation followed by benefit, promotion, recognition and working condition respectively, but according to respondents choice work content and Supervision have the least motivational factors respectively. The result of correlation shows that; there exist positive and significant relation between payment, promotion, benefit, recognition & supervision and employee motivation. On other side, the result of regression analysis shows that; payment and promotion are high explanatory of employee motivation. On top of that, a significant portion of employees considered the reward practices in Dashen Bank S.C. as less motivating, unfair, not competitive and attractive and hence employees seemed to be less responsibility, les loyalty and belongingness and less committed to the organization. It is recommended to review the banks current reward practice that are factor that affect employee motivation.en-USReward PracticesEmployee MotivationThe Effect of Reward Practices on Employee Motivation in Dashen Bank S.CThesis