Colton, John S. (PhD)Mitchell, Aaron2021-02-112023-11-092021-02-112023-11-092010-04-04http:// such as quantum dots (QDs) and QD chains have received signi cant attention because of their applications in quantum information technologies. This paper presents optical investigations of InGaAs QDs and dot chains. The InGaAs samples were grown on a (001) GaAs substrate by Dr. Haeyeon Yang using a novel method similar to the Stranski-Krastonov growth method. Intensity and temperature dependence of the sample photoluminescence (PL) spectra were obtained through optical excitation and detection. The presence of a PL peak at 1 m suggests the successful creation of QD chains. Also outlined is the method for calculating the PL curve-correcting functions to account for grating e ciencies and a changing reciprocal linear dispersion in monochromators.enPhotoluminescenceIndium GalliumArsenide QuantumDotsDot ChainsPhotoluminescence of Indium Gallium Arsenide Quantum Dots and Dot ChainsThesis