Dr.Biruhtesfa AsradeYitagesu Belachew2024-11-042024-11-042024https://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/3531MSc ThesiusA cross-sectional investigation conducted during October, 2023 to February, 2024 in order to ascertain the prevalence of C.bovis and the frequency as well as cyst distribution in infected cattle which is supported by a retrospective study for the last ten years in the abattoir. Out of the 602 carcasses that were inspected 5 (0.83%) had Cysticercus bovis infections. Of the 6 cysts, 3(50%) were viable. The cysts were found in different organs and muscles (The triceps muscle, the liver, tongue, and masseter muscle).Triceps muscle was the most affected tissue. According to a questionnaire survey; Taenia .saginata taeniasis is still a human health problem in Addis Ababa city. Of 110 respondents, 47(42.73%) had experienced Taenia saginata a minimum of once in the past. 67% of the respondents were aware that eating raw beef can spread the zoonotic disease Taenia. saginata taeniasis. The prevalence of Taenia saginata taeniasis had a statistically significant correlation between the sex, occupation, source of information, knowledge about transmission and prevention (p<0.05).Theresearch area's yearly taenicidal medicine treatment cost for the year 2022/23 was estimated to be 2,310,965 ETB; it is comparable to 41,597.37 USD. The drug inventory made it very evident how important Taenia saginata is conomically to the Addis Ababa. In line with the study's findings showed that the current methods for inspecting meat were insufficient to stop Taenia saginata cysticerciinfected carcasses from getting into the hands of consumers. It is mportant to focus on improving meat inspection practices and educating the public to reduce the problem.en-USAbattoirAddis AbabaBeef cattleCysticercus bovisaenia saginataTrend of Cysticercus bovis Prevalance in Cattle Slaughtered at Addis Ababa Abattoir Enterprise its Public Health SignificanceThesis