Deyessa, Nigussie (MD, MPH)Atnafu, Birhane2022-07-132023-11-052022-07-132023-11-052009-05 decision making in managing VCT services is imperative to strength the service.This ultimately roots in utilizing VCT data for strategic information.However, there has not beenprecise information pertaining to the VCTdata utilization for strategic information at healthcenter level.ObjectivesThestudywasconductedtoassessVCT data process performance, level ofutilizationand factorsaffectingits utilization in Addis Ababa city. MethodsFacility based cross-sectional study wasconducted from October, 2008 to May, 2009 in all 24health centers of Addis Ababa.A total of 134 health center employeesfrom all units/departmentsthat are involved in utilization VCT data were included in the study.Trained data collectorsadministered a pre-tested andstandardizedquestionnaire. In depth interviewwith keyinformants,oneVCT focal person from eachsub cityhealth desk,werealso conducted.Datawere enteredand cleaned using SPSS window version11.0. It was also employed for descriptive and logisticregression analysis.ResultsOverall, VCT data utilization rate was 22.4%. Data quality was good as data was reported withinreporting deadlines (89.6%), disaggregated (97.7%) and consistent (86.6%).Twenty three percentof healthcenter employeeswereable toanalyze VCTdata regularly.Health center employeeswho are older and those who analyze VCT data regularly were more likely to utilize VCT data forstrategic information,AOR (95%CI) =3.92(1.07, 13.26) andAOR (95%CI) =3.42(1.24-9.40),respectively. ConclusionLevel of VCT data utilizationis low at 22.4%.Process performance of VCT data in terms of dataquality wasgood;howeverin termsof data analysis was bad. Utilization was higher amongolderhealth professionalsand those who analyze VCT data regularly. RecommendationDue attention for data processing, in & on-service training on data processing with emphasis toutilization and involving young health personnel are recommended.en-USCounseling, Testing ,Data,InformationAssessment of Utilization of Voluntary Counselingand Testing (VCT) Data for StrategicInformation in Addis AbabaThesis