Messele, Haile (PhD)Feven, Asmamaw2020-06-152023-11-112020-06-152023-11-112017 soil covers Western and dominantly Southern part of Ethiopia specially in NekemeteWollega, Dilla, Hossana, Chida and Wollayita Sodo area. When lateritic soil consist of high plastic clay, the plasticity of the soil may cause cracks and damage on pavement, road ways, building foundations or any other civil engineering construction projects. The improvement in the strength and durability of lateritic soil in the recent time become imperative, this has geared up researchers toward using stabilizing materials. In this study, the soil sample was collected from southern Ethiopia region called WollayitaSodo around Wadu area which was one of the sample area for previous study called “Index and shear strength study of Lateritic soil in Wollayita Sodo area” by (Tibebu,2008) Index properties and Engineering properties of the soils were studied and soil is classified as A7-5 according to AASHTO classification, the PI is about 22% and soaked CBR value of 21.9%.These values does not meet the desired values for competent road base and sub base material according to ERA pavement manual .Therefore, In this study an attempt was made to improve the property of the soil by stabilization with increasing percentage of lime until optimum percentage is found. As shown from the study, the addition of lime decrease maximum dry density and increase the optimum moisture content with the same compaction effort and decrease the plasticity by decreasing the plastic index to 7%.The unconfined compressive strength of Tp1 and Tp2 has improved from 341.05kpa at 0% to 352.3kpa at 4% and 391.823kpa at 0% to 369.08kpa at 4% lime content respectively as well as the soaked CBR value has improved from 21.9% at 0% to 54.7% at 4% lime Content. Therefore, samples do not qualify for base course but can be utilized as a sub base material with 4% lime stabilization.en-USLateritic SoilLimeStablizationPavement MaterialWolayita – SodoThe Stablization of Lateritic Soil with Lime as a Pavement Material for the case of Wolayita – SodoThesis