Singh, K.N.(PhD)Fisseha, Shewaneseh2022-03-252023-11-192022-03-252023-11-191994-06 of the variou~ strategies adopted to alleviate the problem of housing shortage prevailing in the urban centre~ of Ethiopia has been the construction of rental house~ by the government. De~pite such an attempt, little effort has been expended in assessing the marketing situation or to whom the dwellings are provided for, the movement pattern of households and their attitudes towards the available housing condition~. This paper examines the socio-economic and demogr aphi c composi-t-i ons-o'f-th~e occapant-s-o'f- govern-me<rt- bui I t dwelling units found in Addi~ Ababa, the spatial patterns revealed during residential shifts and work tripsJ factors explaining residential satisfaction . and the The original sample size consisted of 612 (20%) households drawn from a total population of 3058. However, due to unreturned and partly filled questionnaires, it dropped to 502. The sample households were randomly and proportionately selected from the housing units stratified into different rental groups by questionnaires distributed to filled by the household heads. by employing tables, analysis housing projects. Then, the the households chosen were The data have been analyzed of variance (ANOVA), simple correlation and stepwise multiple regression techniques. The findings of the study demonstrate that the dwelling units undQr ref&rencw serve mainly small sizQ familia., married couples and the middle and higher income groups. The three main motives which generate residential shifts are the desire to avoid the discomforts arising from a shared housing accommodation, e~ternal compulsiv& forces ~nd marriage. The spatial coverage of residential shifts indicates that the shifts are predominantly interzonal and that there are significant distance differentials with respect to the socioeconomic positions of household heads. The bulk of the worktrip~ ~re city centre oriented, cover rel~tively longer di~t~nce~ ~nd termin~te out of re~identi~l zone~. 53.5% of the v~ri~ce of residenti~l ~~ti~f~ction i~ ~ccounted for by five predictors (household size, number of room~, di~t~nce between hoae ~nd workpl~ce, feeling of aur~l priv~cy ~nd feeling of visu~l priv~cy) selected fro. the original eleven.enSocio-Economic CharacteristicsAn Appraisal of Socio-Economic Characteristics and Residential Satisfaction of Occupants of Government Housing Projects in Addis AbabaThesis