Kebret, Haile (Dr)Amare, Lemlem2021-07-272023-11-042021-07-272023-11-042008-06 objective of this study is to examine the determinants of the demand for and supply of Ethiopian exports. It is conducted using time series econometrics. The estimation technique used is the Stock Watson dynamic OLS (DOLS) approach. The variables used as determinants of demand are: the real effective exchange rate, real income of trading partners (Real GDP of Ethiopia's 4 major trading partners) and dummy variable for openness (since Ethiopia followed varying policy regimes). On the other hand, the variables used as determinants of export supply include: Gross Domestic Product, diversification, Dummy for government subsidy on Export (i.e., duty drawback and credit given to exporters) and the ratio of price of exports to domestic price (i. e. px/ pd). The estimated results indicated that real effective exchange rate and real income of trading partners have positive and significant effect; whereas openness has negative effect on the demand for Ethiopia's exports. On the supply side, diversification, Gross Domestic Product, Export credit and Duty drawback scheme of exportable products has positive and significant effects. However, relative price (the ratio of price of exports to domestic prices) is negatively related to the supply of exports suggesting that some of the commodities are diverted to the domestic market as their prices increase. Policy measures taken have also contributed positively to the development of the export sector. This can be seen from the positive effects of duty drawback and credit given to exporters.enEthiopian ExportsDeterminants of Ethiopian ExportsThesis