Sadimenko, A.P. (PhD)Regassa, Admassu2018-07-192023-11-092018-07-192023-11-091990-06 Ut.le. st.udy w .... unde.r-t.ake.n t.o an e.lablJr-at.e.d clust.e.» mode.l of' silica ge.l and t.o inve.sUgat.e. adso»pt.ion comple.xe.s of wit.h silica using INDO me.t.hod and opt.imizat.ion of geomet.»y. The. basic idea of clust.ermode. ling ent.ails sub .. Ut.ut.ion of t.he. bUlk of sUica by t.e.r-minal is-at.oms t.he INDO of which ar-e opt.imized t.o give adequat.e de.scr-ipt.ion of t.he. dist.r-ibut.ions in silica. The.or-et.ical r·esuIt.s par-ame.t.e.r-s, e.lect.l'onic t.he. mode.l st.udie.d found t.o be. in fab'ly good wit.h e.xist.tng dat.a. Thl'ee st.ages of clusr-t.el' mode.ling conside.l'ed. The. mode.l hiy®oxylat.ed adsor-be.nt.s is: t.he. hydr-oxide. anion. In t.he. second st.age. o:r-t.hosUicic acid is: use.d as a mode.l of silica but. t.he. model has a basic dl'awback be.cause. t.he.r-e. ar-e. no sUoxane br-idges in it.. The. t.hl:r-d st.age. of modeling p:r-esupposes t.he. blco»po:r-at.ion of t.he. siloxane in t.he clust.el's. The clust.el' is char-act.e:r-ize.d by non-unffo:r-m e.lect.:r-onio diSt.l'ibut.ion in t.he bulk phase of s11ica and also gives inadequat.e de.scl'ipt.ion of t.he band St.l'UCt.U1'e. of sUioa whUe t.he ClUSt.e.l' 8i(08iH:) 4 leads t.o mOl'e aC<lul'at.e and I'eliable desa:r-ipt.ion of t.he. eleat.l'onic and band stl'uct.ul'e of sUi Ca. ill The. clust.el' mode.l S1(OSiH9 ) 4 is found t.o be opUmum.enMolecular Cluster of SilicaQuantum Chemical Study of Molecular Cluster of SilicaThesis