Teklu, Sisay (Professor)Zewdu, Tigist2018-06-192023-11-052018-06-192023-11-052013-10http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/1918Background: Sepsis is a medical emergency and one of the leading causes of death worldwide. It is best defined as a life threatening inflammatory disorder representing deraignment of the immune response to infection. Sepsis likely contributes to the high burden of infectious diseases morbidity and mortality in low income countries .data regarding sepsis management in sub-Saharan Africa is limited. Available data on sepsis management of adults in resource-limited settings suggest that this high mortality is associated with ineffective management including delayed and improper empiric antimicrobial therapy as well as sub-optimal fluid resuscitation [10,11]. Thus, attention to reducing the mortality from sepsis by focusing on improved management in these settings is urgently neededenEmergency Department; Tikure Anbessa Specialized HospitalSepsis in the Emergency Department in Tikure Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa EthiopiaThesis