Woldeyes, Belay(Prefessor)Mirkena, Bekele2018-07-132023-11-102018-07-132023-11-102014-12http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/8505Distilleries are one of Agro based industries which produces several types of liquors to serve communities as a drink, feedstock for other industries and power alcohol. While producing these valuable products for consumption more than 6 times effluents with high COD and BOD values has been produced. This effluent will cause huge disaster on environment if it is discharged without treatment. On the other hand treating such huge quantity of effluent will incur additional cost to the production processes of the distilleries. Therefore, this study is conducted with the view of reducing the volume of effluent generated through proper nutrient application and optimum recirculation of effluent to fermenters. This study was conducted first by making an optimization of macronutrients for the existing fermented wash sugar concentration of 15 brix and application of 62.51 and 14.51 mg/L of wash for Urea and DAP respectively has been found an optimum. Using this optimum nutrient dosage test for effluent recirculation were conducted for the existing fermentable sugar concentration of 8.67% (15 brix). Data of alcohol% fermented wash, yeast cell mass count and residual sugar were generated and analyzed using response surface methodology and application of 1% spent wash, 92% spent lees and 99% of the generated effluents were found to be safely re-circulated to fermenters. Anticipating future change in operating conditions of fermentation process the study has been conducted at different fermentable sugar concentration of 8.67%(15 brix), 11.5%(20 brix) and 14.3% (25 brix). Data are generated and analyzed using response surface methodology and it was found that fermentable sugar concentration of 14.3%(25-brix), macro nutrients of 62.51mg/L Urea and 31.26 mg/L DAP, recirculation of the generated 50% of spent wash, 68.5% of spent lees and 85.83% of process condensate taken as an optimum input and alcohol % fermented wash of 7.43, yeast cell mass of 2.40674E+008 and residual sugar concentration of 0.417% are found as a response variable. Determination of different attribute of rectified sprit produced by using an optimum recirculation rate of effluent to fermenters and it is found in safe range from food safety and quality points of view. Besides, sizing of equipments such as cooler, pump and piping required to handling effluent recirculation were done. Moreover, financial analysis was carried out and it was found viable. The study shows that the initial investment will be fully returned within eleven months.enMetahara Sugar FactoryOptimization of Molasses Fermentation to Ethanol to Reduce Effluent Generation: The Case of Metahara Sugar FactoryThesis