Yonas Alemayehu SoressaTilahun Fikadie Alebachew2024-12-052024-12-052023-05-01https://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/3795Urbanization is a decisive phenomenon of the 21st century across the entire planet. The government of Ethiopia plans to develop thousands of new urban centers all over the country rather than densifying the current big cities. During this rural-urban transformation in Ethiopia, the new housing and village layouts associated with the design of newly settled lands have often been designed without the proper detailed study of the traditional living pattern. In this case, the main objective of this research was to document the spatial characteristics of the Awra Amba community at settlement, compound, and house levels. To achieve these objectives, the case study method is selected as a research strategy since it is by far the best method for a descriptive, causal, or explanatory question. The case was conducted on 18 households based on stratified random sampling. A review of the literature, questionnaires, interviews, maps, QGIS, and photographs were used to collect data. The collected data were analyzed using activity time tables, a spatial configuration map, and a J graph. The analysis result shows that the settlement was formed on the plateau in 1972 in the form of a dense and urban pattern out of a desire to defend itself from neighborhood enemies. The road hierarchies within the settlement create an organic grid pattern. The domain of private-public space has no lock, which reflects the social cohesion of the community. There are two types of houses: row houses and detached houses, arranged around a rectangular, narrow, confined courtyard as a semi-public open space. The house is modified based on materials, defense, economy, and topography. But the major factor is the socio-cultural makeup of the community. Finally, the study recommends that all bodies concerned should take immediate action to preserve the site for tourist attraction by creating awareness among the Awra Amba people about the spatial heritage and the social benefit. Keywords: Awra Amba, spatial characteristics, house, compound, settlementenThe Spatial Characteristics of Awra AmbaThesis