Mal’nev Vadim (Professor)Fentie Abebe2018-06-122023-11-092018-06-122023-11-092009-10http:// microscopic theory of the low temperature superconductivity is reviewed along with the mechanism of electron-electron interaction. We have investigated the electrical and magnetic properties of superconductors. Our current research, which is fully theoretical and analytical, is targeted in illustrating and explaining the quasiparticles in the superconducting states of a metal. In this work, a comparatively simple mathematical procedure is developed in finding the energy of the ground state of a superconductor, the energy gap and dispersion relation of the energy of the elementary excitations. We have shown that as the quasiparticles (electron like and hole like) have a fractional charge, depending on their energyenThe Superconducting state of metalsQuasiparticles in the Superconducting state of metalsThesis