Dash, Chakradhar (PhD)Kebede, Bacha2021-05-192023-11-042021-05-192023-11-042008-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/26442The study is generally intended to investigate challenges and opportunities facing women managers in the executive branch regional level bureaus and offices of the oromia region. Moreover, it is concerned with identifj'ing altitude of subordinates towards wolnen ina nagel's ' behavior, and identifying initiatives taken by the organizations and regional government to resolve women managers' problems. to attain these objectives data is collected from secondary and primary sources .PriI1lCllY data is collected from women and men managers as wei! as their subordinates using survey questionnaire and semi structured interview schedules. secondary data is colleted from regional gender related policy documentsenStateWomenChallenges and Opportunities Facing Women Managers in Oromia Regionalstate Bureaus and OfficesThesis