Jemal, Abagissa (Ph.D)Sintayehu, Bekele2021-02-052023-11-042021-02-052023-11-042020-11 Thesis Submitted To Addis Ababa University Department Of Public Administration And Development Management For The Partial Fulfillment Of The Degree Of Masters In Public Management And PolicyThe deficiency of residential houses especially in the urban areas of the world has seen because of the increasing number of population due to many push and pull factors. On the other hand, governments cannot afford the increasing demand of residential houses to their citizens. As many researchers studied, this issue is the same in Ethiopia, especially in the capital Addis Ababa in our case kolfe keranio sub city woreda 2 and 3. This leads the urban population to search for low-cost lands in the expansion areas of the city which created informal settlements. Governments are with contradictions because of the measures that they are taking on such settlements, especially on the demolishing of informal/illegal houses, Even if the government by itself is responsible for the distribution of formal and adequate houses. The research shows that there is no deliberate ethnic bias during government measures on informal settlements, more over the claims of the informal settlers that they think as they are illegal is not supported by title deed is so they are illegal before the law. Corruption, seasonal agendas of government like COVID-19 and government transformation are major government challenges that hinders not to control initial buildings in the settlement site. Additionally government service delivery agencies were also one of the causes for the growth of informal settlement despite the marginalization that they have done on informal settlements. Adopting a better policy that permits private and other concerned parties to participate on housing, modernizing the land administration system, filling the legal gap that hinders for the control of informal buildings initially, detaching politics and rule of law and better coordination b/n the task forces which are responsible for the control of informal settlements were the major recommendations given in the paperenDemolitions and community responsesInformal settlementsGovernment Measures on Informal Settlements and Community Responses in Addis Ababa City Administration; the Case of Kolfe Keranyo Sub-City woreda 02 and 03Thesis