Dr. Seifu, DanielDr. Tigeneh, WondemagegnhuMekuriaw, Yitayal2020-03-232023-11-292020-03-232023-11-292019-09http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/21225Gastrointestinal malignancies including esophageal, gastric, colorectal, hepatocellular, pancreatic and gallbladder are responsible for more occurrence and more deaths than any other malignancies worldwide. On the otherhand, positive as well as negative associations of serum lipids and lipoproteins and glucose levels with different malignancies including gastrointestinal malignancy have been reported by many researches.Thus, the main goal of this study was to find the association of glycemic level and lipid profile status of gastrointestinal malignant patients.This was done through hospital based crosssectional study in (70) GI malignant patients attending at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.The necessary data including serum fasting glucose and lipid profile levels were also collected and statistically analyzed and found the following results:The mean serum FGL was (107.81 mg/dL) and (27.1%) IFG and (21.4%) hyperglycemic patients were found. Besides, significantly different (p<0.05, p=0.000) FBS levels in esophageal (86.70±15.326), gastric (90.60±4.088), colonic (111.44± 22.225), rectal (114.82±28.505) and pancreatic (178.00±72.691) malignant patients were also found. Likewise, significantly higher FBS levels (p<0.05) in employed (121.41± 41.562), high economic status (121.20±46.194) alcohol drinkers (120.78±38.295) and cigarette smokers (174.50± 118.08) patients than unemployed (101.70±21.438) low economic status (101.67±20.140) none alcohol drinkers (99.48±20.646) and non cigarette smokers (105.82±24.605) patients were observed. Significantly different HDLc levels (p<0.05) was also found in the age groups of (3039yrs) (47.86±12.031) and (6070yrs) (38.47± 9.125). Moreover,TG, HDL C and LDL C levels of overweight (173.33± 85.710, 49.50±12.818, 132.00±31.27) and underweight (122.24±45.772, 38.38± 11.995, 99.34± 31.839) patients were significantly different (P= 0.042, 0.049, 0.028, TG, HDLC and LDLC respectively). Furthermore, abnormal LDLc, HDLc, TC and TG levels above the respective cut off value were found in 50%, 47.1%, 24.3% and 20% of the patients respectively.From the results of this study we can generally concluded that gastrointestinal malignant patients were affected by both dysglycimia except gastric and dyslipidemia.Occurrence of dysglycemia and dyslipidemia were increasing with increasing BMI and socioeconomic status as well as in cigarette smokers and alcohol drinkers. Besides significantly inverse association of HDLc levels with age of the patients was found. Moreover, the FBS levels of the patients were negatively correlated with lipid profile of TC, TG, HDLc and LDLc levels, though not stastically significant.en-USGastrointestinal malignancy, fasting blood glucose, Lipid profiles, sociodemographic characteristics, personal medical history, clinicopathological characteristics.Glycemic Level and Lipid Profile Status in patients with Gastrointestinal MalignancyThesis