Tesfaye Belay (PhD)Kaleab Demere2024-01-292024-01-292023-06https://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/1616The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the effect of supply chain agility on business performance at four-star hotels in Addis Ababa. This thesis conceptualizes and explores the links between five aspects of supply chain agility (Alertness, Accessibility, Decisiveness, Swiftness, and Flexibility). The target popu-lation for this proposal will be 1200 employees from four hotels in Addis Ababa; from those, the researcher will draw a sample for this study from those with a degree or higher and those professionals who are directly or indirectly related to supply chain, which could be around 120, based entirely on stratified and simple random non-probability sampling. The data was analyzed using statistical approaches such as de-scriptive statistics, correlation, and multiple regressions. Based on the five aspects of supply chain agility, it is possible to conclude that the impact of supply chain agility on the company's business performance is significant. The investigation also revealed a somewhat favorable and statistically significant associa-tion between Alertness, Accessibility, Decisiveness, Swiftness, Flexibility and business performance. The findings also implies that accessibility, decisiveness, and swiftness had a highly positive effect on business performance. As a result, the study proposes introducing and upgrading the five components of supply chain agility simultaneously to improve company performance because they are interconnected. Keyword: Supply chain agility, Alertness, Accessibility, Decisiveness, Swiftness, Flexibility, four-star hotel and business performanceen-USSupply chain agilityThe Effect of Supply Chain Agility on Business Performance: A Case of Four-Star Hotels, Addis AbabaThesis