Befekedu Zeleke (PhD)Girmaye Tamiru Jifara2023-12-122023-12-122023-06 main purpose of this study was to investigate causes of conflict and its management strategies in general secondary schools of southwest Shoa zone. It attempts to identify types of conflict, major sources of conflict, the effect of conflict on teaching learning process and the strategies used to manage conflict. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a descriptive survey design was employed. The study was carried out on eight secondary schools that were selected using simple random sampling technique. The study involved 118 teachers that were selected using random sample method. Moreover, 8 principals 4 supervisors, 4 Head of Woreda Education office and 4 chairman of woreda teacher association were selected by using availability sampling method from the sample school and woreda under study. Tools of data gathered were questionnaires, interview and document analysis and the data gathered analyzed using statistical tools such as frequency distribution, percentages and mean using SPSS software for social science. The result of the study revealed that the major types of conflict that were occurred include intrapersonal conflict, interpersonal conflict, intragroup and intergroup conflict indiscipline part of staff and student, unfairness due to ideological and ethnic differences on the part of managers, failure in knowing accomplishing some specific job properly. Lack of adequate resources for staff and students, inappropriate application of rules and regulations in school by principal, lack of participation in decision in school and lack of skill of principal in conflict management were among the major causes of conflict in the sampled general secondary schools of the zone. It was also found that conflict has both negative and positive, outcomes on general secondary schools. The findings of the study further revealed that forcing, avoiding, compromising and preventing management strategies were adopted by school principals for handling conflict. Based on the finding it is possible to conclude that principals’ lack of management qualification, training condition, incompetence and lack of knowledge and skills in conflict management aggravate the above-mentioned factors as the cause of conflict between teachers and principals. Therefore, for the success of managing conflict in general secondary schools, principals should be qualified in the area of leadership, and training in conflict management knowledge and skills for all teachers, principals and administrative staff are recommended. Key words: Conflict, Resolution, Strategies, Conflict resolution, Conflict management and Conflict management strategiesenConflict, Resolution, Strategies, Conflict resolution, Conflict management and Conflict management strategiesConflict Management in Secondary Schools of South West Shoa, Oromia RegionThesis