Wole, Darge (PhD)Zeleke, Seleshi2021-10-262023-11-182021-10-262023-11-181995-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/28316The purpose of this study was to examine gender differences in mathematics achievement as a function of attitudes among 8th, 9th, loth, and 11th graders in Northern Shoa region. A questionnaire, an attitude scale, and mathematics tests were administered to a random sample of 515 boys and 332 girls from 5 randomly selected secondary schools. Analysis of variance, analysis o f covariance, and chi-square were employed on the data. The results indicated statistically significant differences (at . 01 level) between males and females in both mathematics achievement and attitudes among 9th, loth, and 11th graders. But at the 8th grade level, a statistically significant gender difference was found in mathematics achievement but not in attitudes. All significant differences were in favor of males. Results of the analysis of covariance similarly indicated sUbstantial gender differences in mathematics achievement at all grade levels. Also, peers, parents, and teachers tend to hold lower expectations for girls than for boys in mathematics. It was concluded that the gender difference in mathematics achievement was due not only to the gender difference in attitudes but due a lso to other variables which influence the mathematics l earning of boys and girls differently. Pr act i ca l impl i cation s of the findings are i ndicated .enGender DifferencesGender Differences in Mathematics Achievement As A Function of Attitudes in Grades 8 Through 11 (in Northern Shoa Region)Thesis