Mekonnen, Worku (PhD)Terefe, Menale2021-01-212023-11-042021-01-212023-11-042020-06 study examines induction and employee effectiveness in the case of selected private commercial banks in Ethiopia. Induction is crucial for employee’s survival specially to cope with their working environment. However, selected private commercial banks in Ethiopia faced a challenge, which is unable to organized induction for all newly hired Professionals/Officers. On previous study showed that, as induction is mandatory and has positive impact on both employee effectiveness and organizational performance, however, it lacks the necessary attention by selected private commercial banks in Ethiopia. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to investigate how conducting induction training for new professional employees enable them to be effective or integrate with the Bank overall objective and work environment for mutual benefit. A descriptive and explanatory research design had employed to examine the accuracy and authenticity of data. The target population was 15,304 respondents while 353 sampled respondents from Addis Ababa were selected using a simple random sampling to ensure representativeness. The study used quantitative methods of data analysis to get a conclusion of the findings of the subject matter. The researcher used SPSS- version 23 software, the data analyzed through correlation and regression to measure the relationship between induction and employee effectiveness. Finally, after the study conducted, the researcher found that the independent variable induction has significant effect on employee’s effectiveness of selected private commercial Banks in Ethiopia. As per the finding, the researcher recommended that selected private commercial Banks in Ethiopia to establish a system to incorporate professionals /Officers in to the induction program, to have strict action plan to conduct the induction program on time so as to minimize the unnecessary confusions of new employees, to design induction policy for mutual benefit and continuously to check the status of effectiveness of the induction in order to take corrective action on time.en-USInductionEmployee EffectivenessPrivate Commercial BanksInduction And Employee Effectiveness In The Case Of Selected Private Commercial Banks In EthiopiaThesis