Ado, Mukhtari (PhD)Taye, Sifelig2019-01-282023-11-102019-01-282023-11-102007-07 sludy atlempled to investigate the real status anellor problems and outcomes of organization and management of teachers in Cluster-based in-service training (CBlT) in west GOJjam Administrative zone, Amhara Regional State. The difference in the report of leachers, principals, supervisors and Woreda, Zone and Region Education Officials on the management of teachers in CBlT due to CBlT contribution to professional development, problems that hinder the program and differences of management of teachers in CBlT with respect to sex, qualification, way of clustering and years of teaching experience were explored. 732 teachers, 50 principals, 35 supervisors from primary school clusters and 5 offiCials were the subject of the study. Subjects of the study were selected by using stratified random sampling technique respect to way of clustering, sex and qualification from teachers, principals, and supervisors, while Education OffiCials were selected by using pwposeful random sampling technique. Two measuring instruments were used to gather the required data for the study. These are Teachers ', Principals' and Supervisors ' Self-report Questionnaire and Education Officials Semistructured Interview Questionnaire. The quantitative data were analyzed using statistical methods mean, standard deviation, spearman rank-order correlation, person product moment correlation, T-test, multiple and stepwise regression and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Also the qualitative data were analyzed by using qualitative method of analysis. Analysis of the data revealed that professional development was statistically significant predictor of the implementation or outcome of CBlT and then CBIT contributes to teachers' professional development. Besides, CBlT professional development activities were strongly correlated with objective and rationale, decision making, leadership and planning of CElT Moreover, these independent variables were positively influence the implementation or outcome of CElT via professional development activities. Female teachers ' opinions were significantly agreed than male teachers in CElT management (planning, leadership and decision-making). It was also found that Certificate -Ieachers are more performed and agreed opinions than diploma teachers about planning, deCision-making and outcome of CBIT management. Analysis of the variance indicated that management of teachers in CElT program management no differ significantly as a result of way of clustering and leaching experience among primClly school teachers. But with respect to management functions there were a significant difference between them. On the other hand, the result revealed that some of the major problems that hinder the management of teachers in CBlT are lack of instructional commitment, lack of institutional commitment, lack of skills and knowledge. lack of credit for the given training. and lack of budget. Implication of the result are discussed and recommendations are also forwardedenManagement of Teachersin Primary School Cluster-BasedThe Management of Teachers in Primary School Cluster-Based in-Service Training in West Gojjam Administrative Zone, Amhara Regional StateThesis