Araaya, Hailu (PhD)Yazbec, Olga2018-07-132023-11-092018-07-132023-11-091981-06 main purpose of thls r esea r c h i s to introduce the Ethiopian short s t ories to the Ethiopian public, a work that has not been attempted so f a r. The r esear ch examines why the short s tory, which is a recent genre, i s un exp l o ited and unfamiliar to the Ethiopian public. The Ethiopian short stories have been analyzed fr om the thematic and technical point of vi e w~ During the progress of th e s tudy, an attempt has been made to look into the conditions which have hind ered the d e velopment of the s hort s tory in Ethiopia, and have "lade it an unexploited genre~ Finally, recommenda tion s have been suggested in order to familiarize the public with the short story, and to encourage writ e r s to use thi s literary medium.enShort Story in Ethiopia:The State of the Short Story in Ethiopia: an Unexploited GenreThesis