Dr. Abebe FromsaJiregna, Dugassa2019-12-192023-11-082019-12-192023-11-082019-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/20425Livestock are the back bone of growth and development of a particular country of the world especially where majority of people rely on it as main source of income, daily livelihood and draught purpose. However this vast and valuable sector can be affected by multifaceted problems and constraints which can directly and/or indirectly hamper the production and productivity of the animals. Among these factors, poor and unsatisfactory coverage of veterinary services particularly veterinary surgical management of different deformities, injuries and ailment of various origins is one of the main problems in Ethiopia. So the surgical case reports presented in this study were compiled from surgical cases presented and performed to show the significance of surgical procedures and techniques on the outcomes related to recovery from abnormality. The procedures and techniques included in these case reports were performed on domestic animals brought to Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Donkey Sanctuary and Dire Veterinary Clinics with different ailments requiring surgical management during October, 2018 to June, 2019 G.C. On presentation, history, general physical examinations, clinical and laboratory findings were thoroughly assessed to determine the type of treatment and surgical intervention required. When the animal was found to require specific surgical treatment; each and every animal was well prepared for aseptic procedures and anesthetics preoperatively, before surgical procedure depending on animal species and type of surgical procedure to be conducted. The prescribed specific surgical procedure for each specific condition was performed using appropriate technique, suture material and patterns based on the requirement of the body site. After surgery, each and every animal patient was followed postoperatively and surgical complications and recovery outcomes were recorded. In this study a total of 27 animals including 33.33% (9/27) small animals and 66.67% (18/27) large animals were operated on different parts of their body at different places. Of all the operated animals, 96.30% (26/27) were recovered and cured whereas 3.70% (1/27) was died. This finding shows that surgical intervention performed by well trained veterinary surgeon under proper aseptic technique is crucial to save significant number of animals affected by life threatening conditions.enCase ReportSurgerySurgical ManagementCASE REPORTS ON COMMON SURGICAL PROCEDURES, TECHNIQUES AND ITS OUTCOME ON DOMESTIC ANIMALS IN AND AROUND BISHOFTU TOWN, ADA’A DISTRICT, EAST SHOA ZONE, ETHIOPIAThesis