Yirgou, TatakMohammed, Seid2018-07-022023-11-092018-07-022023-11-092010-06http:// this work, we analyze the gap dynamics of forest in connection with lattice geometry. we also analyze the establishment (birth), growth and mortality (death) of individual trees of Barro Colorado Island (BCI) forest using two slightly different forest disturbance models on three lattices, each with square, triangular, and hexagonal geometry in order to study the effect of geometry. Local nature of ecological interaction can generate complex behaviors such as criticality (scale-invariance). we fit the global and local densities and cluster size distribution from the spatial map of the forest (1983-1984). we also found an effect of geometry on the conditions under which criticality appears in model forests. The scaling exponent of the gap-size distributions, however, was found to be independent of model and geometryenLattice Geometry GAPLattice Geometry GAP formation and Scale-InvarianceThesis