Hagos, Alem (PhD)Jemal, Abdi2018-06-112023-11-082018-06-112023-11-082017-02http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/310In recent years, most developing countries companies implement integrated software to create smooth inter-organization integration, get competitive context of business environment, hold customer satisfaction, produce real time report, provide user satisfaction as operating the system, and getting output from the system. ERP is one of complex information systems that integrate the data of all business areas within the organization. Many researcher identifies varies factors which contribute for the ERP implementation and post implementation phase failure. The purpose of this study would be First, to assess the potential benefit and barriers that can affect the successful exploitation of ERP system in Ethiopian company. Second, to list which categories of benefits and barriers require more attention to maintain success at post implementation phase? A case study designed with quantitative method, Likert type data collected from 295 properly sampled participants and descriptive statistic were used to analyze each factors. The results found all benefit and except there barriers factors the rest barriers given consideration by the respondent but some were underestimated compared to relevant literature. The result also shows the benefits realized and barriers faced composed of all categories. Therefore, as the previous relevant study this research also concludes that both benefits and barriers are significant at post implementation stage. Key words: ERP, user satisfaction, benefit, risk and barriersenERP, user satisfaction, benefit, risk and barriers.Assessment of ERP Project Benefits and Barriers in Post Implementation Stage: The Case of Ethio Telecom Case StudyThesis