Belay, Mebratu(Assistant Professor)Eshetu, Sileshi2018-06-202023-11-092018-06-202023-11-092014-05http:// thesis was based on the findings of the research study entitled “Survey Study on Teacher-Students Interaction in Physical Education Teaching-Learning Process in Some Selected General High Schools of Gambella Regional Administrative Region”. The main purpose of the study is to identify Teacher-Students’ interaction in physical education and it’s enhancement in the academic achievements and skills improvement of students in physical education classes. Moreover, this research study is also significant to create a suitable teaching- learning environment in physical education classes. The subjects of the study are 3 principals, 4 Physical Education teachers and 100 students. To this effect, respondent sampling is carried out by using Simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques. The required information is gathered through questionnaires, interviews and classroom observation. The percentage is used to make analysis of the data obtained from the respondents under the study. An extended review of literature is implemented to discuss the different principles of theory of Teacher- Student interaction practices available from different sources of books, journals, and unpublished materials. To examine the basic question, primary and secondary data have been analyzed in line with basic theoretical and conceptual arguments of the subject. The result revealed that, most of the selected physical education teachers do not have the interest to impliment a student-centered method of teaching. This is due to the presence large number of students in classroom. Furthermore, the result also confirmed the lack of support towards the active learning approach by the principals of all the selected General High Schools. In addition to problems related to communication and classroom management, Failure among the physical education teachers in providing their students with individual learning and task related feedback further worsen the academic achievement of the students. To make things worse, insufficiency of instructional materials and absence of favorable physical activity courts, contribute its own share among other for the failure to impliment active learning approach in all the sample Schools.enPhysical Education TeachingSurvey Study on Teacher-Students Interaction in Physical Education Teaching-Learning Process In Some Selected General High Schools of Gambella Regional Administrative RegionThesis