Jemal, Abagissa (PhD)Hailu, Negewo2019-10-262023-11-042019-10-262023-11-042019-06 thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of The requirements for the degree of masters in Public management and policy (MPMP)The main objective of this study is to assess factors affecting urban service and infrastructure provision in Sululta town Oromia special zone surrounding Finfinne. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in the study. In addition, primary and secondary data were collected and used for analysis. The primary data were collected using semi-structured questionnaire. The researcher used 180 samples of which 150 were dwellers and 30 employees/experts from 6 urban service provision sectors selected for the study based on what affects urban service and infrastructure provision. In addition, secondary data were collected from reports of sululta town planning commission, Sululta city administration and reports of other infrastructure provision sectors to undertake trend analysis for five years (2011/12 – 2015/16) on selected sectors. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Microsoft Excel presented through tables, percentages and figures. Results of the study revealed that, shortage of coverage of infrastructures like water, road and drainage; electric power, health centers and schools affects urban services. On the basis of the findings of the study it is possible to say that urban infrastructure provision is at its lower stage. Furthermore, there is investment opportunity in the town, but their contribution is at its low level and requires participating on urban infrastructure provisions. Therefore, proper emphasis is expected to minimize the factors affecting urban infrastructure provision of the town and to enhance its coverage by coordination of the dwellers, different sectors and municipality together to attain their plan. This is because Coordination of the municipality between infrastructure provision sectors was not strong. This is one of the major areas which needed to solve factors affecting urban service and infrastructure provision overall in the town. Therefore prospects of factors affecting urban service and infrastructure provision have to be given attention to solve out systematically and strategically by respective authorities given the existing supply gap and highly growing urban service and infrastructure demand in the town.en-USInfrastructureInfrastructure and Service ProvisionFactors affecting urban services and infrastructure provision In Sululta town From multi stake holders viewsThesis