Atara, Adane (PhD)Wedaje, Eyobed2021-01-212023-11-042021-01-212023-11-042020-06 general objective of the study is to examine the Influence of Selected Human resource Management Practices have on the level of employee Engagement in Ministry of Labour and Social affairs. In this study, the researcher examined the effect of Training and Development, Compensation & reward, and Performance appraisals impact on Employee engagement. Information gathered from respondents using five points Likert scale was analyzed using inferential and descriptive statistics. The research findings revealed that training and development, compensation and reward, performance appraisal were all positively and significantly correlated with employee engagement The multiple regression result indicated that training and development, compensation and reward and performance appraisal, have significant and positive effect on employee engagement .Among the three independent variables training and development practices were the most contributing factor in predicting employee engagement followed by compensation and reward lastly performance appraisal .the organizations engagement level was measured using Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) all three dimensions of employee engagement were measured & the results reveal that employees of MOLSA are semi-engaged with employees scoring low on Vigor dimension & average score in dedication & Absorption The result of the present study proposes the significance of HR practices in affecting employee engagement and recommended areas of HR to be improved in order for engagement level to improve in the organization.en-USEmployee engagementTraining and DevelopmentPerformance appraisalThe influence of selected human resource practices on Employee Engagement: The Case of Ethiopian Ministry of labour and social affairsThesis