Mohammed, Mebruk (PhD)Mekonnen, Abrehet2018-07-182023-11-112018-07-182023-11-112017-08 I Dam is located in Sekoru woreda Jima zone of Oromia region. It is embankment asphalt faced rock fill dam. Although dams are constructed with great attention to carefully survey, design, and construction such as Gouhou dam in China, Baldwin Hills Dam in Los Angeles, Teton Dam in USBR have been failed and result serious accidents in the world. This study is intended to devise a methodology for embankment dam safety monitoring through seepage analysis of Gilgel-Gibe I Dam. Seepage was numerically performed using 2-D FEM steady state analysis to investigate the seepage in the dam body. Trial seepages were produced for different reservoir water level and trial hydraulic conductivity assigned to asphalt face. The trial seepages generated from seep/w software of Geo-studio 2012 package, and measured (recorded) seepage data are an input to linear regressions. Then, the LR coefficients were calculated by optimizing the seep/w results with the measured seepages using MATHLAB model. The calculated seepage concides with the measured seepage with RMSE, Mean error , mean absolute error being closer to zero while the r�� value being aproximately one. By combining these calibrated LR coefficient and seep/w seepage result predicted seepage is developed. From this by adding and subtracting RMSE, upper and lower limit is developed. The upper limit is checked against piping and slope stability. It is the critical value beyond which cause piping, instability and disaster. The curve obtained can be used to monitor the dam safety against seepage for future operation. Key words: Dam safety monitoring; Gilgel Gibe I dam, linear regression, SEEP/WenDam Safety MonitoringGilgel Gibe I DamLinear RegressionSeep/wEmbankment Dam Safety Monitoring Through Seepage Analysis (Case study Gilgel-Gibe I dam)Thesis