Hayal Desta (PhD)Mulatu Assefa2025-02-212025-02-212024-04-01https://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/4191The proportion of people living in major cities is rapidly growing. There was high movement of individuals from rural to urban areas. Built-space density is rising, housing is developing, infrastructure is being created, and industrial zones outside the city are being reorganized. Because of this, the green spaces in the capital have seen excessive exploitation and significant degradation as a result of a lack of meticulous management of green spaces and insufficient greening operations. One of the solutions would be to build and preserve community-based neighbourhood parks and green spaces. The study area location where found in Addis Ababa city, Kolfe Keraniyo sub-city, woreda 6. The main objective of the research was to examine community-based neighbourhood-park planning, practice, and management (PPM), with a focus on planning provision, community perception, organization, and administrative issues related to its ecosystem services. The most important issues of the research were assessing urban green area planning provision, and management of communities’ knowledge of urban neighborhood park benefit, practice and problem identifying, as well as government involvement in human and funding resources, and stakeholders’ contribution to green space development.The research study follows descriptive research approach to notice both quantitative and qualitative data, helps in assessing people’s preferences, and including planning status, engagement practice, and management to solve challenges. The method used mainly field survey tactic across the study area through analyzing or investigating existing condition using primary as well as secondary data sources. The data was analyzed and findings were created using SPSS, Microsoft-word, Excel, Arc GIS, Auto CAD, and some related tools. The results were described as follows- A, The Addis Ababa Structure Plan's 30, 30, and 40 percent land use provisions were not intended to be followed in the planning of green space. The green area is smaller than 1 m2 per person, it is less than World Health Organization (WHO) requirement; additionally, neighbourhood park plan distribution was improperly spread within a 300m radius; farther more, the planning process was not participatory in and of itself; and finally, there are implementation problem issues. The rate of plan change, grading, and monitoring for local parks and green areas received less attention. B, according to half of the respondents, had less awareness on neighbourhood parks important and necessary, which explains fewer funds are being contributed to the construction of community IV parks. primary objective of the neighbourhood park and with regard to its comfort, security, and green space planting, most respondents stated that it was in poor character. The majority of community parks lacked proper plants and had poorly designed features including lights, benches, trash cans, sidewalks, and safety obstacles. C, the neighbourhood park committee was not given any official training or experience; members were elected and serve voluntarily. The results show that there was inadequate partner coordination, poor consultation, and a lack of teamwork. Ultimately, the committee's efforts have resulted in the expenditure of time, money, resources, and authority that an individual or group of committee members have committed to the process of growth and management. The majority of communityfocused local parks lacked a legally required park design. The majority of neighborhood parks are devoid of elements that should be present in a green area, like playground areas, benches, lighting, gates, and paths. Every green space must abide by the proportionate norm of 80 percent green space and 20 percent amenity. The following recommendations were made based on the study's results. A communitybased neighborhood and other parks will need systemic reforms to better link economic, environmental, and social policies and institutions. These changes must be politically and economically feasible while also discovering synergies, weighing and giving solution. Advocate for and promote the creation of a comprehensive, integrated neighborhood park management plan that addresses the pressing concern and opportunity posed by the existing NPs vacant lots. In order to address the aforementioned challenges, the woreda administration must work very hard and also offer training to export personnel working in various institutions as well as devoted community members. When the next structural design is being prepared, it might be important to include neighborhood parks for the protection of land use violation. In order to promote environmental sustainability, create effective plans, formulate strategies, and utilize synergies, it is vital to build on the financial support that the community has previously contributed for local parks. Keywords: Community, Neighbourhood Park, Plan, Practice, and Management.enAssessment of Community Based Neighborhood Parks’ Planning, Practice and Management: The Case of Woreda Six in Kolfe Keraniyo Sub-City, AddisThesis