Feyissa, Tileye (PhD)Tegene, Fasika2019-10-012023-11-182019-10-012023-11-182019-01-05http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/19261Oreosyce africana Hook. f. is one of medicinally important plants in Cucurbitaceae family. It is native to Ethiopia and known as “MANABASI” in native languages in Oromifa. Mass scale cultivation of O. africana is not found, the natural means of propagation is through seeds. However, the seeds are not available for commercial cultivation and its habitat is mostly in forests. These made its collection difficult and require plant taxonomic knowledge. Therefore, in vitro propagation technique is the best alternative for the production of large number of clean and healthy planting materials, for conservation and building up populations of this medicinally important plant species. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of different growth regulators on in vitro propagation of O. africana. Leaf segments from four-week-old in vitro cultivated shoots were excised and cultured on MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of BAP and NAA combinations for callus induction. The induced calli were transferred on to solid MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of BAP and NAA combinations and different concentration of TDZ. For shoot multiplication, full strength MS medium containing different concentrations of BAP in combination with IBA, for rooting half strength MS medium containing different concentrations of IAA in combination with NAA were used. MS medium without PGRs was used as control. Except for treatment with 0.5 mg/l of BAP alone (70% callus induction), all treatments gave 100% callus induction, however, none of the applied regeneration treatments resulted in shoot regeneration. The highest multiplication of shoots (35.97 per explant) was obtained, at 0.5 mg/l BAP, and the highest mean shoot length (6.17 cm) was obtained on medium containing 0.01 mg/l BAP. Shoot length was decreased with an increase in shoot number and both were affected by the concentration and auxin and cytokinin combination applied. Highest mean number of roots per explant (23.67) was obtained on medium containing 1.0 mg/l IAA combined with 0.5 mg/l NAA and highest mean length of roots (5.08±0.15 cm) was obtained at 0.1 mg/l IAA, which suggested, combining IAA with NAA is better option for good root induction. Up on acclimatization, 95% plants survived. This in vitro propagation protocol of O. africana can be used for mass propagation as well as for its conservation and genetic improvement.enCallus InductionOreosyce AfricanaPlant Growth RegulatorsIn Vitro Mass Propagation of Oreosyce Africana Hook. F. From Shoot Tip ExplantsThesis