Yitayew, Abebe (Associate Professor)Bekele, Fikru2018-06-262023-11-082018-06-262023-11-082008-04http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/3444his paper analyzes the Financial Management and Reporting Practice of consumer cooperatives. It briefly reviews cooperatives structure in relation to financial management and reporting practice. The reporting format shown in this paper will be used for those cooperatives that have limited bookkeeping or accounting experience. In many cooperatives, trained accountants will take care of the financial reports. However, most management members should understand the reporting function and be able to interpret financial reports. By understanding components of financial management cooperative leaders will make prudent business decisionen-USManagemenand reporting Practices in selected consumer cooperatives of Addis Ababa Sub-cityThe Soundness of Financial Management and Reporting Practices in Selected Consumer Cooperatives of Addis Ababa Sub-cityThesis