Bezuneh, Sahilemichael (PhD)Abera, Muluken2019-08-012023-11-092019-08-012023-11-092018-05-05http:// football project development program is the most vital and important means in which players acquire different skills, technique, tactic, ability and knowledge that facilitate the important and development of player’s performance for youth football project is a very complex, long and continues educational process. This research in made with an aim of assessing the challenge of the implementation of youth sport program in perspective of organizational approach and capacity building, particularly youth football projects in Gullele and Addis kettema sub-cities of Addis Ababa City Administration. A total of 150 questionnaires have been distributed to respondents from four projects, 4 coaches, 2 sub-city sport officers were interviewed. A descriptive research method has been implemented and date gathered has been presented and analyzed in descriptive methsod. Accordingly the research revealed that training facilities and equipments were not in the expected level for the trainees and coaches, no a predetermined coaching style evidenced in the projects, Lack of training manual, trainee selection, availability of required training facilities and equipments, lack of proper follow-up and coach’s knowledge have been considered as factors affecting the effectiveness of the projects and absence of a unique selection criteria has been used in selecting trainees for the projects. To adequately improve the standard of sports and efficiency in implementing programs, training and development opportunities must be provided to sports practitioners, manuals and coaching kits shall be available, trainee selection criteria shall be designed and implemented.enFootballSportCoachingChallengeLeadershipChallenges in Implimentation of Football Project in Addis Ababa Administrative Region; the Case of Gullele and Addis Kettema Sub-CityThesis