Chalehisa, Desalegne (PhD)Jemal, Henok2019-01-102023-11-102019-01-102023-11-102007-06 purpose o/Ihe presel1l slUdy was to invesligate the altitude a/students and leachers toward teaching practicum and to identifj, the out comes and problems encountered during the illlplell7entolion process a/the program. To this ellecl, Dilla University students and teachers were selected as a source of data, 165 sludents and -10 teachers were selected '/;'om eight departments of Education /acult)l by using stratified sampling method Questionnaires were used as data collection methoc/s' in both groups o/in/ormants. ANOVA, Simple correlation, chi-square, multiple regression and descriptive slalislics were used/or analyzing dahl. Ihe result 0/ the study indicaled that both teachers and students have insignificant positive attitude toward teaching practicum. Students and teachers also showed similar allilude ./or those F,ctors ,,,hich have relation with course related factors, Teachers showed insigni/icanlncgative attilude toward Logistics and Organization related factors where as. slllden/s shu wed ;nsignf/iconl negalive alli/ude (award student and leacher related/aclors. Based on the/indings. cone/usions were drawn and recommendations were made.enAmong Education Faculty StudentsAttltude Toward Teaching Practicum Among Education Faculty Students and Teachers of Djlla UniversityThesis