Zeleke, Befekadu (Associate Professor)Fikrie, Fasil2019-01-022023-11-102019-01-022023-11-102011-04http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/15504Organizational culture is connected with various aspects of an organization. Thus, to make adjustments to culture and improve performance studies that are made on organizational culture are important. The main purpose of this study was therefore, to asses Organizational Culture at Adama University. The study was designed as a descriptive survey. A total of 400 respondents (28 academic staff, 50 administrative staff and 322 students) were selected using stratified random sampling technique. The necessary data for this study have been collected through standardized questionnaire (Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument), interview, observation and document analysis. The data were analyzed using OCAI scoring method, percentage, mean, frequency, standard deviation and one way ANOVA. The findings showed that academic staff and students perceive the current culture at Adama University to be Adhocracy while Administrative staff perceives it to be Hierarchy. However, there was an overall agreement that current and preferred organizational culture at the university to be Adhocracy and Clan respectively. When we come to dimensions of organizational culture, in terms of organizational leadership, management of employees, organizational glue and strategic emphasis currently the university is dominated by Adhocracy culture. However, in terms of dominant characteristics and criteria of success currently the university is dominated by Hierarchy culture. Regarding the preferred situation except in terms organizational glue that Adama University is preferred to be dominated by Adhocracy culture; in terms of the remaining five dimensions, the university is preferred to be dominated by a Clan culture. The results of the study also revealed that bOlh Adhocracy culture in the current siluation and Clan culture in the preferred situation were found to be slightly stronger than the remaining culture types. Based on these findings, it was concluded that in the current situation, the leadership in the university is visionary, innovative and risk oriented. It is held together by commitment to experimentation and innovation. The emphasis is on being at the leading age of new knowledge. Readiness for change and meeting new challenges are important. The universities long-term emphasis is on rapid growth. As regards to the preferred situation, it was concluded that the university is preferred to be a friendly place to work. To have leaders those are thought of as mentors. To be held together by loyalty and tradition. To emphasize on long-term development of individuals and to define success in terms of internal climate and concern for people moreover, to place a premium on teamwork participation and consensus. With respect to strength, it was concluded that organizational cultures, which are not dominant, have some considerable part in the culture of Adama University. Therefore, taking into consideration the results of the study it is recommended that Adama University ought to take different measures such as training, awareness creation, policy revision to transform its current Adhocracy Culture to the preferred Clan culture.enOrganizational culture is connected with various aspectsAn Assessment of Organizational Culture At Adama UniversityThesis