Prof. Muniyappa. L., Dr. Kelay BelihuSHIMELES, ABEGAZ2020-06-172023-11-302020-06-172023-11-302008-06 cross-sectional study was conducted in South Wollo, North Wollo and North Showa Zones of the Amhara Regional state, between octobrr, 10, 2007 to march 1, 2008,with the objectives of determining the seroprevalence distribution and magnitude of brucellosis in sheep and identifying the potential risk factors associated with diseases. Two strata sampling methods were employing, sheep flock in extensive production (n=1838) and sheep flock in intensive production system (n=571) , with an overall serum sample of 2409, collected from sheep above 06 months of age without previous history of vaccination. The overall seroprevalence obtained by Rose Bengal Test was 4.98% (n=120), the 120 positive sera by RBPT was subjected to the Complement fixation (CFT) and 118 (4.89%) sera become positive for antibodies to brucella infection.. The subsequent analysis were based on the 4.89% (n=118) sera that were positive to both the RBPT and CFT (serial interpretation) test results. In the current study, a flock and individual level seroprevalence for brucella antibodies were conducted. A flock was said to be positive if at least one animal reacted positively by the test. The overall individual and flock level seroprevalence for brucella antibodies in sheep were 4.89% (n=118) and 22.26% (n=274) respectively. Analysis of the findings among the two production system indicated significant difference in both individual (p<0.05) and flock level (p< 0.05) seroprevalence. Brucella seroreactor female and male sheep vary significantly in the extensive production system (p<0.05) compared with intensive production system (p>0.05%). Analysis of the findings among different age groups indicated the existence of a significant difference (p<0.05) in extensive production, whereas in intensive production statistically no significant difference (p>0.05). The existence of seroprevalence in the three flock categories shows significant difference (p<0.05) in extensive production, while no difference (p>0.05) in intensive production system. Concerning breed level seroprevalence for brucella antibody in both production system reveal significant association (p>0.05). Moreover, this study was also assessed the association of reproduction and production performance in relation to brucella infection. Generally the present study disclosed the importance of brucella seroreactor sheep in the study areas, hence, care should be taken and warranting more focused investigation, so as to support intervention efforts in the region.enBrucellaSheepSero-prevalenceExtensive, Intensive, Production system, North Showa,South Wollo ,North WolloSTUDY ON SHEEP BRUCELLOSIS IN SELECTED WOREDAS OFTHE EASTERN AMHARA REGIONAL STATE, NORTH EASTERN ETHIOPIAThesis