Hebo, Mamo (PhD)Samuel, Lencho2019-03-072023-11-042019-03-072023-11-042012-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/16606Throughout Et hi opia there are craft work ers who are margi nalized by the dominant society yet playing signilicant role in the li ves of non cran work ers, Thi s study has attempted to look at the li\'cli hoods and socia l relationship of pottery prod uci ng communi ty of Kollele district. It is qua liwti\T research wi th the aim of fresh. complex. rich desc riptions of a phenomenon, The data \\as colkcted I'ru lll t\\elve potle ry producers se lected using snowbal l sampling and live non potters selected purposive sampl ing by using se illi st ructu red interviews and observation. All the interviews were tape recorded . transc ri bed manual ly. translated to English. analyzed thematically and presen ted in desc ripti ve manner. Resu lts indicate that pottery produ ce rs use agricult ure. livestock and daily labor as supplementary and alternat ive means or li veli hoods to pottery for which they arc known most. They use the knowledge they own to make pottery pass ing through prl)CCSSes required and se ll their prod ucts using two different marketin g channels and make li ves I'ro lll it. The potte rs Hnci non potlers attend the marriage and buria l ce remonies of each other although non potters belie\'e there sho uld not be intermarriage between them, The potters play an important role 01' removing klfdhu (evi ls) and role of/illu (blessing catt le), POllery producers are Ill argi nalized sociall y. pol itically and economically and they mentioned several chal lenges cncolliliereci in the cou rse 0 I'mak i ng Ii \Ies from potlery. The government and nongovernmen tal organil.ations neecls to gi ve att ention to pottery as one sector capable of red ucing joblessness.enLivelihoods andSocial RelationshipLivelihoods and Social Relationship of Pottery Producing Community of Koffele District, West Arsi ZoneThesis