Alamirew, Bam lak (PhD)Zenaselase, Meron2018-08-082023-11-182018-08-082023-11-182012-06 poverty is not only consequence of lack o.f income, but also the result of the deprivation or capabilities and gender biases present in both societies and governments. Similarly, in Ethiopia the women particularly thefemale headed households face political, social and cultural challenges that undermine their human worth and dignity. Additionally, they suffer from economic poverty. social discrimination, and prevention to vote. This paper makes an (Il1empt to invesligale Ihe de/erminanls of livelihood choices and women economic empowerment in Ethiopia by examining the situation prevailing in one particll/ar wereda ki/te Awlaelo in Tigray region using the information gained from 196 women. Since the livelihood choices and the economic empowerment level is determined by different demographic and socioeconomic factors, this paper allempts multinomial 'Iogistic regression analysis to explore the possible determinant.l· or livelihood choices and Tobit model analysis to explore the possible determinants It or Ihe economic empowerment level based on primm)' data Fom Kilte Awlaelo Woreda. The result shows that livelihood choices is considerably influenced by age, family size, education, access to media, asset holdings, marital stalUs, job training, access to credit service, access to se(f help group, access to safety nets and transportation service. The result also shows that the economic empowerment level is also considerably influenced by age, family size, education, access to media, asset holdings, marital status, livelihood option choice, job training, access to credil service, access 10 self help group, access 10 S({/e ly nel, access 10 women group and Iransporlalion service. Apart from the other economic empowerment variables, a variable livelihood choice shows significant positive impact on the economic empowerment level. Addilionally. the result checked the independency of asset holdings of the household across different livelihood oplions like jimning. trade and daily labar through chi square test, so the test suggests that livelihood asset is dependenr on livelihood option choice. Besides, ANOVA test lIsed and indicated as different livelihood choices provide different economic empowerment level al less than 5% confidence level. Finally, il recommended that the economic empowerment can be improved by concentrating on the negative factors, which affects the rural women of the woreda, and consequently poverty levels will be reducedenChoices on Women EconomicThe Role of Livelihood Choices on Women Economic Empowerment, the Case of Kilte Awlaelo Woreda, Tigray Region, EthiopiaThesis