Legese (PHD), MengstuSuleiman, Tuha2020-12-222023-11-042020-12-222023-11-042020-10http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/24291This study has addressed the religious challenges of Muslim students with visual impairment in Missionary and secular residential schools. The study is a pioneer in investigating this topic. The major objective of the study is describing the religious challenges of Muslim students with visual impairment in those schools. Nine in-depth interviews have been made with nine individuals. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis technique. The trustworthiness of the data was assured through member checking, external auditing, and comparing and contrasting the findings of the study with prior studies. According to the findings of the study, in all the schools, Muslim students with visual impairment have different religious challenges such as learning Bible, singing Christian song, praying Christian pray, eating Christian meat and so on. However, according to the findings, there are differences and similarities between Muslim students from missionary schools and Muslim students from secular schools. Moreover, the findings have revealed that there are also differences and similarities within the missionary and secular schools themselves. Based on the findings, the paper has recommended different solutions such as establishment of more secular special schools and promotion of inclusive education to improve the challenges. Finally, the thesis has concluded that the challenges of Muslim students with visual impairment can be broadly categorized in to two groups: as being forced to practice others religion and not being able to practice one's religion.en-USThe Religious Challenges of Muslim Students with Visual Impairment in Missionary vs. Secular Residential Schools: The Case of EthiopThe Religious Challenges of Muslim Students with Visual Impairment in Missionary vs. Secular Residential Schools: The Case of EthiopiaThesis