Kenea, Ambissa (PhD)Bezuayehu, Desta2018-06-282023-11-052018-06-282023-11-052009-06 purpose of this study was to assess the integration of environmental education into Adult Non-Formal education run by Agri-service Ethiopian in East Gojjam Zone. The sources of the data were trainees, facilitators, program officers (at office level of ASE) and program director (at head office) and Zone Agriculture and Rural Development Department experts. Curricula materials and catchments areas of that specific program were used as sources of data. Random sampling technique was employed to select training centers, trainees, facilitators and catchments areas. The program director, officers and experts were selected purposefUlly. Questionnaires, interviews, observation and focus group discussion were used as instrument for data collection together with document analysis. The data were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. In quantitative analysis percentage, mean and standard deviation, chi-square, ANOVA test and inter correlation matrix were employed. Data from interviews, observation and focus group discussion were qualitatively analyzed and synchronized with the rest data according to their relevance. The findings of the study then revealed that the attitude of the trainees towards their environment was found not to be so heartening, i.e. 76.62% of the sample trainees were found having unfavorable environmental attitude. The result also showed some problems in action skill of the trainees. On the contrary the environmental knowledge of the trainees was found promising (75% Of them passed the test). Despite the positive integration of cognitive domains in curricula materials, affective and psychomotor domains were found neglected. The linear relationship that was expected to exist between knowledge, attitude and skill of the learners was not maintained (with a . 098 correlation). The research also revealed that performance in environmental issues in terms of sex and age was different. Male trainees were found more knowledgeable than females but less concerned about their environment. But the knowledge difference between sample trainees of different age groups was not statistically significant. Regarding altitude, females and older trainrres were found to be more concerned than males and younger ones. In addition to this, skill difference was manifested among different training centers. Finally, the relationship between stakeholders in integration of environmental issues into adult training program was found very weak. The inclusion of environmental education elements into curricula materials was recommended. The positive relationship among stakeholders should also be given due considerationenEducationIntegra Tion of Environmental Education Into Adult Non-Formal Education: the Case of Programs Run By Agri-Service Ethiopia in East GojjamThesis