Fantahun, Mesganaw (PhD)Assefa, Melese2018-09-212023-11-052018-09-212023-11-052015-07 Under five years deaths can be prevented through optimal use of currently existing vaccines. In 2012 nearly one in five infants missed the basic vaccines they need to stay healthy globally, and majority of the children missed in sub Saharan Africa including Ethiopia. Missed opportunities are an obstacle to raise immunization coverage among children and leading high infant morbidity and mortality. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine magnitude and the related factors for missed opportunity of routine immunization of infants under one year age in Wolikite health center Gurage zone, southern regional state, Ethiopia, May 2015 Methodology: The study was health facility based cross sectional design. Exit interview was administered for mothers who had under one infants and who came for any services for their infant at Wolikte health center, Gurage zone from March 27- April 22, 2015 using standard world health organization missed opportunity tool in the context of Ethiopia routine immunization schedule. The sample size was calculated by using single proportion formula with 95% confidence interval and a total of 346 mothers were interviewed. Result:The magnitude of missed opportunity for the study was 49.1% and the major vaccines with high missed opportunity were oral polio vaccine o (37.9), (Bacille Calmette Guerin 35), and measles (31.1) the major reason for immunization for missed vaccines was due to absence of adequate number of children to conduct immunization sessions which was around 81.2% among children who had missed opportunities. Age of children, stock out experience of care takers, knowledge of contact time and purpose of visit to health facility were independently associated factors for children missed opportunity of immunization. Conclusion: The overall magnitude of missed opportunity for the routine immunization is high influencing the success of immunization services. The major vaccines which highly contributed for the prevalence of immunization missed opportunity were measles, and Bacille Calmette Guerin and oral polio vaccine.enMagnitude of Missed Opportunities on Infants Under one yearMagnitude of Missed Opportunities on Infants Under one year Routine Immunization Services and Associated factors in Wolikte Health Center, Gurage Zone, Southern Regional State, Ethiopia, 2015,Thesis