Berhanu, Abeje (PhD)Tsegay, Brhanu2018-06-142023-11-182018-06-142023-11-182016-06 livelihood diversification is a multi-dimensional concept which encompasses engagement on various activities other than agriculture. This research is aimed at assessing rural non-farm livelihood diversification among farming households in Saharti Samre Woreda, South Eastern Tigray in general. Exploring the determinants of non-farm livelihood diversification across two agro-ecologically distinct rural settings (weynadega and qola), types, gender dimensions and outcomes of rural non-farm livelihood diversification, constraints of nonfarm livelihood diversification and the role of government on non-farm livelihood diversification in particular are the detailed objectives of this study. Cross-sectional survey was used as a survey design due to the nature of the study. Purposive sampling for sampled Tabias and simple random sampling for sampled farming households were used. Household survey, in-depth and key informant interviews and focus group discussions were used as data collection methods so as to generate firsthand information. Although farming households predominantly pursue agriculture as their major livelihood strategy, they also pursue non-farm livelihood activities due to various reasons. Factors regarded as push rather than pull play significant role in influencing households to diversify their livelihoods to the non-farm sector. Household size and farm land holding size was among the determinants of diversification. Seasonality of agriculture was also found significant determinant of non-farm livelihood diversification. Besides, the increasing price of agricultural inputs was also found as a driving force for diversification. Income earned from non-farm livelihood activities help households to reduce different vulnerability contexts, improve use of agricultural inputs, and asset building. Wage labour, sale of cooked food and local drinks, handicrafts, trade and quarrying and traditional mining are nonfarm livelihoods that farming households mostly engaged in the study area. The role of government on the development of rural- non-farm livelihoods is very weakenRural Non-farm livelihood Diversification ; FarmingRural Non-farm livelihood diversification among farming households in Saharti Samre Woreda, Southeastern TigrayThesis