Geremew, Sahilu (PhD)Kidist, Ketema2019-01-172023-11-112019-01-172023-11-112018-12 leads to the replacement of natural areas by impervious surfaces and affects the catchment hydrological cycle with adverse environmental impacts. Low impact development tools (LID) that mimic hydrological processes of natural areas have been developed and applied to mitigate these impacts. Due to a lack of management in urban storm there is a problem of drainage flooding of the Study area during intensive rainfall. This study deals with identify the critical parts of the drainage system with risk of flooding for JEMO catchment and to investigate sustainable urban drainage solutions for better control of stormwater runoff. In the present study Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) has been explored for the catchment JEMO, Addis Ababa. The catchments have been divided into various sub catchments and are modeled for ten year rainfall event. The model deals with a flexible set of hydraulic modeling capabilities, in particular it is used to assess infiltration using Horton method and flow routing analysis using dynamic wave method. The external inflows through the drainage system network of pipes, channels and outlet structures were also considered. Rainfall events in which runoff, water depth profile, and outflow hydrograph are obtained. The catchments have been divided into various sub catchments and modeled for 2006-2016 rainfall events. The data collected was then be analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively, and the result of the study thus presented in tables and in figures. From the study made, generally it was observed that the drainage system have nodes flooded and overflow thereby resulting damages to road surface material and flooding in the area. To assist local governments in their efforts to develop more effective stormwater management programs, an innovative comprehensive approach to stormwater management referred to as Low-Impact Development (LID) has been developed. Low-Impact Development technology employs microscale and distributed management techniques. Finally, after the critical locations of overflow are identified, feasibility of suggested LID and their effectiveness in urban flood management are considered. The results of the study show the significance of using LID in improving the urban drainage system.en-USUrban FloodStormwaterStormwater ManagementLow Impact DevelopmentSustainable Storm Water Management by Implementing low impact development in JEMO, Addis Ababa ( A Case Study i n Urban stormwater managementThesis