Ingdayeh, yalew (PhD)Bird, Eshetd2019-02-052023-11-102019-02-052023-11-102011-06 main purpose of the study was to assess the status and challenges in provision and organization of non formal and Alternative Basic Education program in Addis Ababa City. So that the outputs of the study can ass ist to improve the effectiveness of the on-going nonformal and Alternative Basic Education program in Addis Ababa Administration. Although formal education has had great contribution for promotion of literacy, the shortcomings that go with it have led to the drop out in schools, increased literacy and general poverty in Addis Ababa City Administration. It is in this regard that this study identified the role the status and challenges in provision and organization of Non Formal Education (NFE) and Alternative Basic Education program as an alternative to addressing issues of poverty, health illiteracy and development. The effectiveness of Non Formal Education (NFE) and Alternative Basic Education program can depended on a number of key variables such as preparation of relevant curriculum, the availability of facilitators, favorable learning environment and the methodology of Non Formal Education (NFE) and Alternative Basic Education program. A descriptive survey design was used. Data was collected from the Regional Administration (bureau officers and sub city - officers).Others were Wereda Adult Education Officers, Managers of adult and NFE programs, supervisors of adult and NFE programs, facilitators, adult and NFE learners and graduates using simple random sampling and purposive sampling. The instruments for data collection included questionnaire" interview schedules, observation schedules, attitudinal scales, focus'group discussions and document analysis for secondary data. Out of questionnaire disitibuted (230), an overall response rate of 89.6% (206) were obtained. Secondary data included statistics on enrolment for learners, examination results and teacher dynamic. These statistics were collected from 'the Regional Department of Adult Edi(cation, and NFE Centers. Data collected was then analyzed descriptively by use of frequ.e;ncy counts, means and percentage. The findings Fom data analysis showed that 'the pf:q'gram is challenged by m any constraints: celJ,fer faCilities, unavailability of learning nu;tlerials, low perception of the program by the community and low attention to the program i"{; providing supervision and support, assignment of untrained facilitators, low commitment of the facilitators and their instructional performance. These problems undermined the quality of education. Thus, the government and other concerned bodies should address these problems jointly. Hence, the researcher forwarded recommendations based on the findings. So that in addition to making schools accessible to the needy children there should be need of fidfilling the required educational input (well trained facilitators, adequate instructional materials etc), center facilities, paying incentives for bodies who work on the issue of the ABE program providing regular supervision and support to the centers and working towards, community awareness creation.enTive Basic Education ProgramThe Status and Challenges in the Provision and Organiza non of AlTerna Tive Basic Education Program in Addis Ababa City Administra TionThesis